In 2022 the CMA began reviewing consumer protection in the UK green heating and insulation sector.  It focused on products such as heat pumps; home solar; insulation; biomass boilers and hydrogen-ready boilers.  The CMA identified concerns that some businesses were making misleading claims about products and some were engaging in greenwashing.  It also had concerns about limited transparency of price information. 

The CMA then launched an investigation into whether Worcester Bosch was misleading shoppers with confusing or inaccurate green claims in the advertising and labelling of its boiler products, which would breach the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.

The investigation focused on Worcester Bosch’s so-called “hydrogen-blend ready” home boilers, and whether the marketing claims made about them may mislead shoppers into thinking they are more environmentally friendly than they are.

The CMA has now issued an update, saying that Worcester Bosch has agreed undertakings.  The undertakings commit Worcester Bosch to, amongst other things:

  • change or remove any existing marketing materials of concern to the CMA, including where this states or otherwise gives the impression that a consumer will reduce their carbon footprint or achieve an environmental benefit by having a Worcester Bosch boiler because it can run on a blend of up to 20% hydrogen or a Worcester Bosch boiler ‘future-proofs’ a consumer’s heating system on account of its ability to operate with a hydrogen blend
  • contact its networks of Accredited installers and third-party retailers to inform them of the undertakings and ask them to revise, remove and/or retract any previous Worcester Bosch marketing material of concern to the CMA.

To ensure Worcester Bosch is complying with the undertakings it signed, it must report back to the CMA on its compliance with the undertakings.

The CMA has closed its enforcement case against Worcester Bosch but will monitor Worcester Bosch’s compliance with the undertakings.

This case forms part of the CMA’s wider consumer protection work in the green heating and insulation sector. Last month, the CMA published its Compliance advice for businesses marketing green heating and insulation products to consumers.